Su’nan Protection, Art & Cultural Education


Our Mission

Our mission is to preserve, promote, and celebrate the rich indigenous culture of the Chumash people while safeguarding our tribal lands, waters, and environment. Through cultural education, arts, training, and tribal environmental protection initiatives, we prioritize the empowerment of our indigenous Chumash population. We strive to inform and educate both the local indigenous community and the surrounding communities, fostering an understanding and appreciation for the history, traditions, and craftsmanship of our people. By sharing traditional crafting skills, harvesting plants sustainably, and embracing our indigenous perspective, we aim to build capacity and resilience within our community. Moreover, we seek to equip our youth with the knowledge, confidence, and passion to protect and advocate for our territories, culture, and future generations, ensuring a legacy of strength and stewardship.

Our Vision

To create a harmonious future where the indigenous Chumash culture thrives, our tribal lands are protected, and our community stands as a beacon of cultural preservation and environmental stewardship. We envision a society where the history, wisdom, and traditions of the Chumash people are respected and celebrated, fostering a deep connection between generations. Through our cultural education, arts, training, and tribal environmental protection programs, we strive to inspire a profound appreciation for our heritage and a deeper connection to the natural world. We envision our empowered indigenous peoples leading the charge in protecting our tribal lands, waters, culture, and environment, using their knowledge and understanding of colonial laws and regulations as tools for safeguarding our territories.

Join Us!

You can become a contributor to our cause, participate yourself or refer your school.